There are 1 repository under syslog-ng topic.
Grafana Loki Syslog All In One Syslog Deployable Stack
Syslog Collector written in Go, streams to Kafka 0.8
How to send syslog from Linux systems into Graylog
All in one Grafana + Prometheus + Loki metrics stack
nfsinkhole is a Python library and scripts for setting up a Linux server as a sinkhole (monitor, log/capture, and drop all traffic to a secondary interface).
Logging is hard, then awesome-logging comes.
Collection of PatternDB files to parse Ubiquiti Unifi events into Security Onion's Syslog-NG and ELSA
Scripts / Programs to deploy a Syslog Server with TUI and GUI
This repo is for community scripts to be shared from. These scripts are community focused and not supported or endorsed by Splunk, use at your own risk
Rest2Syslog collects data via REST APIs and sends it to any Syslog Destination
☘️ A REST API project was built by PHP, followed the SOLID principles and Clean Architecture.
ansible role to install and configure a classic syslog-ng service for processing log files away from journald.
Centralized Logging with Spring Boot and Logback and Syslog-ng and Elasticsearch
Terraform/AWS setup for syslog-ng testing
Sensu plugins for Syslog-NG
Collection of logging configuration files for use with Solace messaging routers.
syslogng_kafka provides a Python module for syslog-ng 3.7 allowing one to filter and forward syslog messages to Apache Kafka brokers.
throttle email notifications from syslog-ng to multiple distribution groups
Development repository for the syslog_ng cookbook
This Python script provides functions to parse different types of logs: URL logs, firewall logs, and event logs. Each function uses regular expressions to extract relevant information from a log entry and returns a dictionary with the parsed data.
Kubernetes sidecar container to route syslog udp/tcp log entries to stdout
Install Alert Logic remote collector service.
syslog-ng logger and NodeJS on Alpine