There are 1 repository under synthetics topic.
Synthetics platform for Starknet, inspired by GMX v2 design.
Terraform module to configure and provision Datadog monitors, custom RBAC roles with permissions, Datadog synthetic tests, Datadog child organizations, and other Datadog resources from a YAML configuration, complete with automated tests.
To get started, please proceed to The Splunk Observability Cloud Workshop Homepage.
Comdex: A DeFi infrastructure layer for the Cosmos ecosystem
Code for "OnlyPlanes: Incrementally Tuning Synthetic Training Datasets for Satellite Object Detection"
Trade stocks and commodities in a decentralized fashion. No KYC - No Signup.
DEUS ecosystem synthetic tokens' market maker
Synthetic commodities
A Yeoman generator to quickly scaffold a New Relic Synthetics workspace on your local machine.
Cloudformation resources for Cloudwatch Synthetics
A React + Redux based library to build your own decentralized stock exchange on top of DEUS Finance.
Synthetic commodities protocol built on the Celo blockchain
Example Python script running as a Synthetic Job that tests URL endpoints reporting metrics to the Events Store
CRX file for the Synthetics Test Recorder extension.
Using Playwright for functional tests and synthetic canaries on AWS CloudWatch
This solution helps you to schedule Datadog Synthetics (API and Browser tests) for a specific time-slot. Doing this can save you money if you don't need the results 24/7.
YAML-based automated endpoint/website canary/synthetics checking
Simulate variations between a synthetic and non-synthetic detection solution
XFT's algorithmic post-trade process against SDC state machine
View performance of custom steps in a synthetic scripted monitor
View performance of custom steps in a synthetic scripted monitor
Github action to sync scripts checked into repos with monitors in New Relic