AkshaySiwal / SlatStack-runner-for-NewRelic-Synthetic-Monitoring

Akshay Siwal

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A newrelic runner for saltstack has been created to perform tasks like creation and updation of synthetics alerts on newrelic using newrelic APIs from SaltStack. Downlord newrelic.py and put it in salt runners directory and that's it, no need to restart salt-master.

Function available in newrelic saltstack-runner :

  1. Command to create a synthetic alert

  2. Command to update a synthetic alert

  3. Command to list all created synthetic alert

  4. Command to update/upload alert script a synthetic alert

  5. Command to convert alert script to required format of synthetic alert

  6. Command to add alert notification policy to synthetic alert

  7. Command to update alert notification policy to synthetic alert

  8. List alerts synthetics conditions

Commands to create/edit any alert on Newrelic

1) Command to create a synthetic alert :

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_create <alert_name, required> <alert_frequency, default=15 minutes [number]> <slaThreshold, default = "10.0" [string]) <locations default = [ "AWS_US_WEST_1" ] [list])> <type default="script_browser" [string]>

Example :

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_create my_sample_alert

2) Command to update a synthetic alert :

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update <alert_current_name, required> <updated_name,default = "NA"[string]> <alert_frequency, default="NA" minutes [number]> <slaThreshold, default = "NA" [string]) <locations default = "NA" [list])> <type default="NA" [string]> <status , default = "NA">

Example :

To rename alert : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update "my_sample_alert" "new_name_for_alert"

To change alert frequeny : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update "new_name_for_alert" frequency=60

To mute notification : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update "monitor_name" status="MUTED"

To enable notification : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update "monitor_name" status="ENABLED"

To disable notification : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update "monitor_name" status="DISABLED"

3) Command to list all created synthetic alert :

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_listAll <return_dict default='n'> Args :

return_dict default = n , to print output in form of table

return_dict default = y , to print output in form of dictionary

Example :

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_listAll

4) Command to update/upload alert script a synthetic alert :

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_updateScript <alert_name, required> <path_to_alert_script, required>

Example :

To upload/update alert script : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_update_script "my_sample_alert" /tmp/akshay.js

5) Command to convert alert script to required format of synthetic alert :

It will format script and save it same file and will convert backup file with orignal content with .bkp extenstion

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_formatScript <path_to_alert_script, required>

Example :

To change format : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_formatScript /tmp/akshay.js

6) Command to add alert notification policy to synthetic alert :

It will attached newrelic alert to given notification policy with this function.

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_alertPolicy_add <alert_name, required> <policy_id, required> <action, default="true", [string]> <runbook, default="" [string]>

Example :

To rename alert : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_alertPolicy_add "my_sample_alert" 124473

7) Command to update alert notification policy to synthetic alert :

It will update attached newrelic alert to given notification policy and you can enable/disable it with this function.

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_alertPolicy_update <alert_name, required> <policy_id, required> <action, default="true", [string]> <runbook, default="" [string]>

Example :

To rename alert : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_alertPolicy_update "my_sample_alert" 124473

8) List alerts synthetics conditions

It will list newrelic alerts of a given notification policy with this function.

salt-run newrelic.synthetics_alertPolicy_list <policy_id, required>

Example :

To rename alert : salt-run newrelic.synthetics_alertPolicy_list 124473