There are 0 repository under sustainable-consumption topic.
Connect suppliers, distributors and consumers to trade local produce.
Library and API to calculate CO2 emissions for personal mobility.
👧 Greta is an agile voice assistant to help reduce your carbon footprint.
Further work on the paper "Reducing Global Carbon Footprint based on MARL" by "Valentin Kahn".
An open-source platform for the centralization of E-Waste robotics components.
Documentation and tools for the API of
Entry for Feeding9Billion challenge at Memorial University which focuses on providing solutions that foster food security.
Github Pages
The goal of this project is to select an optimized container dimensions to load products that will reduce space wastage. By optimzing the total volume occupied by the products and their total weights, we seek the best orientation and position of the products during loading.
The system tracks the emissions of a given recommendation algorithm on a given dataset.
Repository for B-Corp social enterprise operating in Rwanda with artisan-shoemakers, challenging the West to walk a mile in their shoes to more deeply understand poverty while sustainably crafting recycled-tire sandals.
Registration for valuing higher to self propelled implication of husbandryanimal