There are 0 repository under sparse-matrices topic.
PyTorch Extension Library of Optimized Autograd Sparse Matrix Operations
High-performance and differentiation-enabled nonlinear solvers (Newton methods), bracketed rootfinding (bisection, Falsi), with sparsity and Newton-Krylov support.
Fast and accurate machine learning on sparse matrices - matrix factorizations, regression, classification, top-N recommendations.
Sparse matrix formats for linear algebra supporting scientific and machine learning applications
A Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) library with an emphasis on large, highly-dimensional datasets.
A sparse KLU solver for PyTorch.
A library of parallel sparse linear algebra on high performance computer.
SuiteSparse: a suite of sparse matrix packages by @DrTimothyAldenDavis et al. with native CMake support
Approximate Minimum Degree Ordering in Julia
A massively parallel library for computing the functions of sparse matrices.
best CPU/GPU sparse solver for large sparse matrices
Dynamic matrix type and algorithms for sparse matrices
Efficient compression and retrieve of genotype data with integer sparse matrices
Fast approximate joins on string columns for polars dataframes.
An autoML for explainable text classification.
A small library for regridding Earth system data with vectorized sparse linear transforms
(Python, R, C++) Read and write sparse matrices in SVMLight / LibSVM formats
A C++ library for generating traffic flow dynamics data.
Attoparsec parsers for the NIST Matrix Market format
A sparse matrix multiplication FPGA architecture which acts as a 'coprocessor'.
Sparse Binary Relation Representations for Genome Graph Annotation
Benchmark for sparse linear algebra libraries for CPU and GPU platforms.