There are 0 repository under sizes topic.
View your app on different device and font sizes
⇲👁 A simple React Hook which allows to listen the resize event of any target element when it changes sizes
Extensible theming system for styled-components 💅
Humansize - A flexible crate for humanizing file sizes
tiny React hook which allows you to track visible window viewport size in your components w/ an optional debounce for updates for optimal rendering.
This TYPO3 extension provides ViewHelpers and configuration to render valid responsive images based on TYPO3's image cropping tool.
📊 Create and compare files stats, and webpack bundle stats
Scalable Layout Kit lets you design scalable, consistent & adaptive user interface (UI) for iOS.
This library was developed by CSS3 only and created to be as a utility library for Bootstrap v4 and v5.
A command-line tool that simplifies the task of creating files and creating assets images .
HTML5-like responsive background images in CSS (sort of …)
Profiler for embedded programming to dynamically determine function, method, and template sizes (expanded).
Estimates the size of your files in different format (original, minified, gzipped, brotli).
Webpack image loader with additional size information
📏 Get the real width & height of the window
Learn CSS by designing a menu page for a cafe webpage. The menu page is live at:
Fast utility for calculate SI and Binary unit prefixes (Units of information). :zap:
Size Calculator is a Python package that calculates the size of a file or folder and prints it in bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes.
Front-end Fundamentals - Srcset & Sizes Attributes For Images Companion Code
tracking digitalocean regions, images, tags, slugs
Integración sitios web.
Integración sitios vtex io.
Generate the sizes attribute for HTML img and picture tags.
Praktische Abschlussarbeit im Rahmen eines Fernstudiums zum Web-Entwickler (ILS) unter Verwendung con HTML5-Boilerplate und jQuery Mobile.
A cross-platform private song playback service.
Responsive Screen Sizes built with Bootstrap 5. Check default pixel widths for different screen sizes supported by Bootstrap 5 responsiveness features.
Starting point for responsive images code class exercises