There are 0 repository under sermon topic.
Official Repo for the Thrive Church Official App, only on iOS. Download now for free.
Instructions on how to deliver Friday Sermon Bible Commentary - 46 - 1 Corinthians; English version; by Eliran Wong, Gospel Church (UK)
Collection of Early Modern Danish postils Bible Commentary - 45 - Romans; English version; by Eliran Wong, Gospel Church (UK) Bible Commentary - 59 - James; English version; by Eliran Wong, Gospel Church (UK)
A Kotlin interface to SermonAudio's API endpoints (
A cross-platform sermon-taking app for ios and android built with React Native Bible Commentary - 49 - Ephesians; English version; by Eliran Wong, Gospel Church (UK)
A parser which indexes unstructured collections of data representing William Branham's complete sermon library and structures them for loading into a data ingester
A platform to stream or download the latest Gospel Songs from around the world!
A Kotlin/Spring Boot server wrapping SermonAudio's API endpoints into a simple, clean, consistent GraphQL API.
Verbum Sanctum YouTube Channel Companion Site
Charles H. Spurgeon sermons from spurgeongems scraped in with puppeteer in stored in a JSON.
SermonPublisher is a Wordpress Plugin to make it easy for churches to podcast their sermons.