jeffmikels / SermonPublisher

SermonPublisher is a Wordpress Plugin to make it easy for churches to podcast their sermons.

Repository from Github https://github.comjeffmikels/SermonPublisherRepository from Github https://github.comjeffmikels/SermonPublisher

Sermon Publisher for WordPress

This plugin makes it easy for church administrators to create Sermons, Sermon Series, and Series Groups on their church website. It was designed originally to cooperate with the now defunct Podcasting Plugin and needs to be re-written to support other podcasting plugins or to provide the necessary podcast features internally.

Unlimited Hosting at the Internet Archive

This plugin's greatest strength is its integration with the Internet Archive.

Churches that are willing to release their sermon media files under a Creative Commons license are allowed unlimited hosting space on the Internet Archive for audio and even video files.

That makes this plugin perfect for churches that need to save some money on their hosting costs.


SermonPublisher is a Wordpress Plugin to make it easy for churches to podcast their sermons.


Language:PHP 94.8%Language:CSS 5.2%