There are 1 repository under samba-ad-dc topic.
Zamba LXC Toolbox a script collection to setup LXC containers on Proxmox + ZFS. Zamba is the fusion of ZFS and Samba (standalone, active directory dc or active directory member), preconfigured to access ZFS snapshots by "Previous Versions" to easily recover encrypted by ransomware files, accidently deleted files or just to revert changes.
:black_circle: Curso GRÁTIS SAMBA-4 UCS Univention Core Free 5.x Domain Controller Active Directory Open Source
:red_circle: Curso GRÁTIS SAMBA 4 Level 1 REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório não irá mais receber atualizações.
:red_circle: Curso GRÁTIS SAMBA 4 Level 2 - REPOSITÓRIO CONGELADO - Esse repositório não irá mais receber atualizações.
🐳 Docker image of samba domain controller compiled from source
Integración de proxy, correo y jabber con Samba AD DC
OCI image (compatible with e.g. Docker or Podman) for Samba (Active Directory) Lightweight Directory Services (smblds)
Collection of source compiled apps, projects, labs, & documentation
Guía para la implementación de servicios integrados a Samba4 como Active Directory Domain Controller (AD DC) en Debian 9/10
Samba AD DC como Entidad Certificadora
Samba 4 Active Directory proof-of-concept
Experimental YAML file to test Samba AD DC in Kubernetes
Useful scripts for embedded linux systems.
Create Users on a Samba LDAP with samba-tool from CSV files.
Como compilar e instalar o samba no Debian 12
Como instalar e compilar o Samba no Rocky Linux para servir como AD-DC
Rocky Linux 9.x with Samba AD-DC
A simple containerized Samba Active Directory Domain Controller (samba-ad-dc)
An Ansible role managing Samba standalone and AD controller deployments.
:smiley: Samba4 Ubuntu Server :smiley:
Samba package with AD support for CentOS/RHEL