There are 0 repository under safearea topic.
TKKeyboardControl adds keyboard awareness and scrolling dismissal (like iMessages app) to any view with only 1 line of code for Swift.
A Safe Area Container for Unity's UI Toolkit.
The example project which allows you to play with safe areas introduced in iOS 11
uGUI layout group that makes children respect the Safe Area. It drives children's anchors and supports LayoutElement.ignoreLayout
Capacitor Package to get Status bar height and Safe area insets on Android & iOS.
SafeAreaView alternative for React Native which provides relevant window insets for both iOS and Android.
A replacement for Flutter's default SafeArea widget
📐 Easily provide custom view controller auto-insetting
Simple script for Unity to make sure UI panel should draw inside of mobile device safe area
Safe area container (for Godot Game Engine).
Detect notch and safearea using view.safeArea instead of hardcoding checking for screen height (device type).
모든 UIView의 safeAreaInsets변화 감지 Extension
Sample code for handling iPhone X's Safe Area with iOS 8 backwards compatibility.
A collection view with a stretchy header
A beautiful rich text WYSIWYG editor for iOS with a syntax highlighted source view
🖥️ Get information of macOS displays from the command-line
A repo which contains all the fixes which I had to struggle for :)
Some useful SwiftUI hints from my experience
Aplicativo que fornece a possibilidade de adicionar pessoas por grupo.
#flutter, changes the size of the text written on the TextField