There are 1 repository under ru topic.
Awesome DevSecOps на русском языке
Convert a number into words on russian language.
MCC codes dataset in Ukrainian and Russian / MCC коди українською та російською / MCC коды на украинском и русском
My created app for the "Armenian Home" store(frontend telegram bot)
My digital garden 🌿. A personal Wiki to keep notes related to Machine Learning and Data Science.
Документация по ncurses на Русском.
Russian translation of the supposed Half-Life 2: Episode 3 synopsis
Similar to the functionality of RU.EXE in DOS, ru.efi in the UEFI shell, and RW-Everything in Windows, Linux GP-WholeThing stands as an equivalent tool for the Linux environment.
Русская локализация для версии / Russian localization for the version 2.1.7
Pacote do NPM que checa o saldo do cartão do Restaurante Universitário - UFC.
Русский перевод OneShot: The Pancake Episode
Инструкция для быстрой и последовательной настройки Linux (KDE)
Alexa skill for answering questions related to drag race
Скрипт для Tampermonkey, переводящий Game Jolt на русский язык
It's my homework in stepik, why not?
Утилита для форматирования кода для проекта Ответы.Mail.Ru scraper. Made with own simple and easy-to-use async telegram library.
Convert text to audio using machine learning
Discord Analytics Dashboard is a comprehensive tool designed to provide deep insights into your Discord server activities. With an intuitive interface and powerful features, this dashboard helps server owners and administrators make data-driven decisions to improve engagement and community management.
🚀 utils and libs for Astro.js projects.
Скрипт для Tampermonkey, русифицирующий GitHub :octocat: :white_large_square: :blue_square: :red_square: