There are 1 repository under github-site topic.
Set of lambdas for filtering out inbound email via SES written in GoLang
Blog Alejandro Alfaro Sánchez
Command line that outputs a json object of TLS certificate metrics
Скрипт для Tampermonkey, русифицирующий GitHub :octocat: :white_large_square: :blue_square: :red_square:
CLI for time efficiently encoding cidr blocks to find if an IP exists in a range
Web server that supports http and websockets and echos the request back on the response
CLI to reboot an ecs service
AWS Lambda written in go that manages security group ingress rules for public CDN.
Huggingface compatible tokenizers as a command-line, http server, or AWS Lambda
Personal web page on github
This is a POC to demonstrate an issue with AWS PrivateLink. The issue is what CIDR do you lock down the NLB in an VPC Endpoint Service too to allow the consumer to access the private link.
POC for using secrets manager with ECS tasks. This injects a decrypted secret into the container as an environment variable from aws secrets manager.
POC project demonstrating a fastly vcl service using websockets
This repo is for debugging what the environment looks like in GitHub Actions. Not very useful for anything other than dumping the environment to the console to prove certain variables exist.
homebrew tap filled with utilities for working with ai models
A collection of binaries that make managing AWS inventory just a tad bit easier
homebrew tap filled with utilities for working with web servers
Homebrew tap for other versions of the teleport client
Takes inventory of the lambda service in AWS configured by a yaml file.
Upload files in a directory to s3 via multipart uploads. The uploaded parts are checkpointed to a local file for restarting purposes.
A set of utilities, and a serverless proxy, to help manage and use sagemaker endpoints
A simple proxy using haproxy to snowflake example
This is the Odin Recipes Website from The Odin Project hosted on GitHub