There are 3 repositories under rescript-react topic.
ReScript bindings for React Native
📋 Reasonably making forms sound good
Use Relay with ReScript.
:rocket: Quer aprender ReScript? Comece aqui
An exemplary real-world application built using ReScript and React
:skull: UI primitives for ReScript and React
Integrating ReScript and rescript-react into the official Vite React template
Seamlessly integrate ReScript with Vite
⚛️ ReScript bindings for React Query
ReScript bindings for React Navigation
ReScript bindings for Ink
⚡️⚛️ ReScript bindings for @chakra-ui/react
An opinionated app shell for ReScript & React progressive web apps
npm create rescript-app@latest
Adding ReScript with rescript-react on top of @snowpack/app-template-react
ReScript bindings for React Flow 🚀
:zap: The mother of all demo apps built with ReScript & React
Tauri, ReScript, and React template
✅ Schema validation made easy for ReScript
ReScript 3D Carousel
ReScript React Native template
ReScript bindings for React Testing Library :goat:
Collection of landing pages redesigned using DaisyUI
:dromedary_camel: Lukin CRA and ReScript Template
ReScript bindings for react-native-svg
ReScript bindings for react-native-paper
ReScript Relay port of Relay's official issue tracker example
ReScript bindings for @react-native-async-storage/async-storage
Official Website
Startpage made with Rescript
A little website to help you keep track of your fast during Ramadan
ReScript bindings for ORIGINAL_PACKAGE_NAME
ReScript bindings for @react-native-community/netinfo