There are 10 repositories under reason-react topic.
A learning management system (LMS) that lets you run an asynchronous online school, where learning is achieved through focused tasks, directed feedback, an iterative workflow, and community interaction.
hacker news mobile app made with reason react
Lightweight image browser
Use Relay with ReScript.
🥫 Reason-style reducer components for React using ES6 classes.
Fullstack Reason + GraphQL Todo List App
An exemplary real-world application built using ReScript and React
A demo project that shows a fullstack ReasonML/OCaml app–native binary + webapp
Zero-cost bindings to Facebook's Recoil library
Server render Reason React components with OCaml natively
React.js-like reconciler implemented in OCaml
A calculator built with Reason and reason-react.
useReducer with updates and side effects!
An example app made with Create React App which introduces a Reason component
An opinionated attempt at finally solving typescript interop for ReasonML / OCaml.
Bucklescript + ReasonReact binding Ant Design
[DEPRECATED] ReasonReact utilitary high order components
React components that works everywhere (iOS, Android, Web, Node)
Example project to show how to use components lazy loading in ReasonReact
Adding ReScript with rescript-react on top of @snowpack/app-template-react
A starting point for production ready Next.js reason-react apps.