There are 0 repository under referrer topic.
:feet: A simple registration attribution tracking solution for Laravel (UTM Parameters and Referrers)
Browser addon. Control referer to protect privacy and not break web. The addon (maybe the only one?) that deals with Firefox's document.referrer bug 🛡️🛣️
:page_facing_up: Blacklists: Spammers Domains and Bad IPs
referrer parsing library for node.js / express web apps
Prevent redirect loops with sessions since HTTP referrer header is unreliable and ensures sessions are saved upon redirect
A standard for referral system implementation in NFT Collections' Smart Contracts.
Referrer SDK for Cafe Bazaar App Store
Remember the Visitor Referrer Across Requests
📝 Specially optimized for blog writting, supporting for various blogs is ongoing.
This plugin keeps track of the referrer per WooCommerce order.
SMF Modification to prepend a custom string to anchor elements
Go library to determine url referrer type.
HTTP referrer policy middleware
:package: Returns `referrer` from current page
User Agent Class to help identify browser, platform, robot, and mobile device data.
Cordova plugin to retrieve referral content from Google play using Google Play Store's Install Referrer API.