There are 0 repository under real-time-message topic.
Discord 2.0 with REACT.JS! (Next.js, NextAuth.js v4.17.0, Tailwind CSS, Typescript, Server create, Firebase v9, Image Uploading, Google Authentication, 1-1 Messaging, Real Time Messenger )
Open-source JavaScript SDK to enable Real-time Chat.
In this repository a sample project was written using SignalR library. The project consists of chat application and notification screens.
Azure Web PubSub service simple chat template working with Static Web App
Real-time anonymous messaging app made with Next.js and Firebase
Realtime chat app with rooms
A real time private chat application using Laravel 9, Vue Js 3, Pusher and Laravel Echo
Mern Social Network App like Facebook in design allow user to Share Posts, Delete, Edit their own posts, Like/DisLike, Follow/Unfollow, Send Real time messages using Socket io , Visit friends Profiles
gRPC (Google Remote Procedure Call) — это современный высокопроизводительный фреймворк для удалённого вызова процедур, который широко используется для построения распределённых систем и микросервисов. Давайте же рассмотрим его клиент северное взаимодействие в iOS
Real-time messaging project using simple ajax call. Working pretty good.