There are 1 repository under ajax-call topic.
Cascading form drop-down menus
Add, Edit, Delete & Searching Records Using jQuery, Ajax, PHP And MySQL || PHP CRUD Operations Without Page Refresh
CRUD Operations with Ajax Call in Spring Boot.
Online Comment Toxicity Analysis using averaging the Classifiers and used both char level as well as word level n-grams.
A simple modular Vuejs component that autosuggest input from a dyanamic or static data querying.
Working with AJAX, Performing CRUD opertaions & Embed DataTables with Complete Server side opertaion over ajax.
Django rest framework api with html, css, bootstrap, datatable and ajax
Ajax Form Submission
A group assignment which being assigned at the last semester of Diploma, which is an assessment similar to the Final Year Project (FYP) from Degree as the course required us to submit a full progress report every week on our system. The assessment required an abundance of documentation to record down every single element of the system, which is a horrendous task that forced our hands at the beginning of the final semester. In this assignment we chose to do a website that focused on handling meal transaction within the school environment. By implementing the website with the additional skill that I've learned such as AJAX, it made the overall system improved a lot compared to the Reise Web-Portal project which has been done in 2018. The website also equipped with a higher level of SQL knowledge as well and making the server process even more fluent. Bootstrap 4 was also being learned from this assessment as well, and making the overall system looks even more professional.
TYPO3 extension. Provides a drop-down list which uses Ajax to load records into the page without reloading the whole website.
Search App where you can search by City Names and it will give the information of all the parks in that or related to that searched city as result
View bandwidth utilization and other statics for IOS-XE devices
ajax load and parameter
ajax based Post retrival by user
ASP.NET Web Services Utilizing SQL Server Back End
How to use AJAX POST in ASP.Net Core
Best JavaScript Idioms and some shortcusts
A group assignment that required us to apply the knowledge of AJAX and Bootstrap 4 that's been taught in this course. On this assessment we've chose to create a website that focused on selling the technological products such as phone and laptop. The assessment is not much of a hard task to handle with as I've self-learned the concept of AJAX and Bootstrap 4 in my previous project like Meal-Debit System in 2019. With that, the assessment allowed me to obtain more experience from implementing these concepts, and deepened my knowledge of AJAX and Bootstrap 4 from this course.
A quick start project that helps you to learn about how to bind remote data to the Syncfusion Vue Grid and also to load data dynamically through the AJAX post.
a erp with menu mgt, btn mgt, user control & menu + btn access
L'hôpital YouCode a besoin d'un système qui va gérer les rendez-vous entre médecin et patient. (uncomplete)
Ajax methods used in my Javascript projects
Lab Project
Ajaxify Your wp-login.php login system . User Can Log in Via Ajax & After Successfull Logging User Will be redirected to their dashboard according to user level.
Membuat web daftar Movie menggunakan Ajax. Untuk data movie di dapatkan dari
Ajax Form (JQuery + PHP)