There are 0 repository under reactspinner topic.
This is a bookstore app built w/ react-redux.
ServiceFlow is a simple service-sharing web application. Where users can add , update and delete his own services , watch others' services , watch service details, book any specific service , and update the current status of his service .
Hospital Management System (HMS)
Food delivery website
Fullstack Web App for informing about stock data
Real-time Recipe App made with React, Firebase and Firestore.
Nostra is an e-commerce platform built with React/Nextjs and styled with SCSS.
Front-end only basic ecommerce site for my Trainees,showing products,categories,singleProduct page and some functionalities(add to cart,reduce and increase quantity). I used fake store API for this.
A movie discovery web application consuming the TMDB movie database api.
Sticky note system replaced with MERN stack notes application.
Welcome to the E-Commerce Medicine Shop! This website is your one-stop destination for purchasing medicines online with ease and reliability.
E-commerce Product page which includes the add to and remove from cart e commerce functionality >>frontend mentor challenge
React App
"Smart Login With React js" is a simple project designed using Tools:- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap, React.js Features:- Signup, Login, Logout, Validation.
This React App fetches and displays current weather information for a specified city using the OpenWeatherMap API, with loading spinners and error handling.
andamanapp is a React web app using Material-UI, CoreUI, and Bootstrap, with Google Maps, Firebase, and TailwindCSS for a responsive and dynamic experience.