There are 3 repositories under react-material-ui topic.
Netflix Clone using React, Typescript, Material UI
React, Redux, Webpack, Material UI, Boostrap 4, Code Splitting, HMR
🌞 Context API and Hooks based Modal Provider for react material-ui framework
A React powered Messenger App
Crypto Labs - Cryptocurrency tracker with React JS + TradingView Widget
Example repository for integrating Material UI with ReactPWA project. This repo demonstrates the usage & integration of Material UI in existing ReactPWA project.
Whiteboard Built with ReactJS and Material UI 🚀❤️
Starter kit for react with redux and react material ui in typescript. (React, Dynamic redux module, nested routes for private and protected routes, static checking, material ui))
a full responsive react shopping website with some awsome feature!
This repository is for technologies and frameworks I used for the first time. Typically includes: grahql mongoDb PHP Laravel Express NextJs Apollo Angular ReactJs SemanticUI React-material Angular-MaterialWith this application, the use of react hooks and context api has been implemented.
Smart UI for React
The custom checkout app is a React app responsible for overwriting vtex native Checkout v6 editing and deploying files through the admin's interface. This project allows you to customize the native VTEX checkout, generating the files that you can later replace from the administration console of your VTEX store. https://{accountName} Through a proxy software you can map the local files with which you can see the changes you make in development mode before updating your store's checkout. [Checkout UI Custom app, Checkout Customizer]
react-material-ui-form is a React wrapper for Material-UI form components. Simply replace the <form> element with <MaterialUIForm> to get out-of-the-box state and validation support as-is. There's no need to use any other components, alter your form's nesting structure, or write onChange handlers.
Here is a website made with (HTML5, CSS3, SCSS, ReactJs, React-Material-UI) that will display the prices of different crypto-currencies. The prices will be fetched from a 3rd party API service.
This is a react application focused on healthcare and services full project is designed for a practice project with some minimal requirements.
KretaHub is a shipping web application. The purpose of the repository is to demonstrate an interactive dashboard.
Password input field with built in strength meter and Material UI support based on regex!
Simple demo crud-application on react with material-ui (REACT 16.4)
Netflix Clone using React, Typescript, Material UI
This is a react application focused on healthcare and services full project is designed for a practice project
Password manager fullstack application in .Net6 + React. Users can create accounts and add passwords.
The Rowan Law Firm was founded in 2006 by Michael H. Rowan. Mr. Rowan was hired by one of America's legendary trial lawyers Barry A. Cohen, of Tampa, FL. Mr. Rowan was introduced to Mr. Cohen by Clinical & Forensic Psychologist Sidney J. Merin in 1992.
This repository is for exercises in Part 7 of Full Stack Open (FSO), "React router, custom hooks, styling app with CSS and webpack". The projects in this repo are React front-end web apps., focusing on navigation with React Router, custom react hooks, and styling with CSS and ready-made UI libraries.
We present to you HerCare, a Women Safety App which provides One Stop Platform to get Safety Tips , Shared Incidents using Google Maps & statistical Data . Provides the information about Women Safety Organisation . 🙂
This is e-commerce web platform with payment options using ReactJS Commerce JS & Stripe
Template for quickly creating new applications using React and Material UI
Django Shpopping CMS with ReactJs+Redux complete ecommerce web app and PWA
ASK.IO is a Surveying App to send tens of thousands of emails to your customers for feedback on your products or services
KretaHub is a shipping web application. The purpose of the repository is to demonstrate an interactive dashboard.
frontend: Vite + React + Material-ui, backend: Alan AI Studio + newsapi ; This is a news app with voice control that we get this power from ALAN AI.