There are 13 repositories under rails6 topic.
Write Through and Read Through caching library inspired by CacheMoney and cache_fu, support ActiveRecord 4, 5 and 6.
A Rails 6 boilerplate to create your next Saas product. Preloaded with graphQL, devise, JWT, CanCanCan, RailsAdmin, Rubocop, Rspec, i18n and more.
Make ActiveRecord do conditions on your associations
Rapid scaffold builder for Turbo-Rails and Hotwire. Get the tutorial now at:
📱 A Rails 6 API backend React JS + Webpacker guide. Includes API setup, serializers, and react integration in the frontend. 🌲
rails 6 with devise + bootstrap + github oauth
Use Rails 5+ ActionCable channels with React Native for realtime magic.
Working Rails 6.1 demo application with PostgreSQL, Docker, jsbundling-rails (with Webpack), and GitHub Actions
🚀 MVP Ready Rails - A Template for Your Next Rails App
ShinyCMS is an open-source CMS built in Ruby on Rails, with support for themes, plugins, and cloud hosting. (There is also a Perl version:
A simple RoR 6 REST API demo with JWT authentication.
Tutorial to create a Rails local development environment for Windows 10 users, beginner friendly
Example of implementing API key authentication in Ruby on Rails without Devise
Template for set-up of Rails 6, Tailwind 2.0 and Devise.
Lightweight Rails 6 App over Docker Alpine images
Follow associations within your ActiveRecord queries
Rails CI pipeline with GitHub Actions example
Rails with startbootstrap sb admin 2
A Rails plugin to set created_by, updated_by, deleted_by to ActiveRecord objects.
Vue.js integration with Rails 6 and performing CRUD operation
react+rails token-based authentication API template using chakraUI on front-end.
A real time chat application Ruby on Rails 6 application
Website with tools to support Rubik's Cube training with a focus on blindfolded solving.
The ContactsApp project was built using Ruby, Rails, Bootstrap, Simple_form GEM, Sqlite3(development) and PostgreSQL(production). It implements fundamentals like Rails Partials, CRUD scaffold e.t.c.
Sample Rails 6 project demonstrating API authorization with auth0
Playground Rails6 application with Webpacker
Backport of ActiveRecord::DelegatedType 6.1 to AR 5.x and 6.x. Delegate types is an alternative to single-table inheritance for representing class hierarchies.
This web application allows one to write the article by including the images and tags. A user can comment on any blog post without any authorization.
🛤🚂 Rails 6 opinionated starter template with a lot of setup done for you to get started quickly.
Rails API starter that includes row based multitenant architecture, RLS, authentication, authorization and test framework setup.