There are 0 repository under promisify topic.
A Promise-based API for setTimeout / clearTimeout
Collection of neat modular utilities for bumping up development in NODE and Browser
为微信公众号 JS-SDK 提供 TypeScript 支持,同时将其基于回调函数的异步 API 转化为 Promise 形式。
The JavaScript library that promises you the fastest ES6 promises
Simplest request promise wrapper with retry
Asynchronous Adapters
A simple Node.js package that helps you not to look up JavaScript promise syntax every time you use it.
A Vue promisify modal component plugin based on Vuetify with Vuex.
为微信小程序、小游戏提供 TypeScript 支持,同时将其基于回调函数的异步 API 转化为 Promise 形式。
Promisify callback-style functions to ES6 promises
converts callback-based functions to Promises and apply currying to arguments
Simple promisify with sane defaults, works on node 0.10 if you provide custom Promise through options
API con MySQL para consumir desde una APP de Xamarin
Transforms util.promisify for node versions < 8
Promisifiedly call a callback style function/method with an es6 promise returned.
CX's "Task Manager" Project Back-End Side.
API made with AdonisJS, Typescript and TDD.
IndexedDB Promisified