There are 1 repository under popular-movies topic.
:movie_camera: Movie discovery app showcasing Android best practices with Google's recommended architecture: MVVM + Repository + Offline support + Android Architecture Components + Paging library & Retrofit2.
Popular Movies App project for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree. Integrated the Paging library, LiveData, ViewModel, DataBinding, Room, MVVM architecture and Repository pattern.
An Android app, that helps you browse most popular and most rated movies. This project is created for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
Interactive React 'The Movie Database' (TMDb) App
Android developer nanodegree, Projects 1 & 2 : Opti Movies (Popular Movies) app
Udacity Popular Movies Android App Stage 2
This repo contains all 8 Apps developed during Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree. These all Apps met expectation during code review process of Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree.
:movie_camera: Popular Movies Stage 1. Discover the latest popular and top rated movies. MVVM + Retrofit + Paging library + AAC
Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree, project 1.
Android application to explore movie and TV shows, feature to write review, bookmark movie
All of my projects for Udacity Android Developer Nanodegree
MoviesBoard app showcases Android best practices with Google's recommended architecture: MVVM + Repository + Offline support + Android Architecture Components + Paging 3 + LiveData + Moshi + Coroutines + Material Theme Components + Retrofit2.
Second project in Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree
Inflix - Android App to discover Movies & TV shows
Popular Movies app for Android Nanodegree
Udacity Developing Android Apps course project.
A Simple movies application that is built with MVVM , Koin, LiveData and Room.
A project for Android Developer Nanodegree - Udacity. This android app shows list of popular movies sorted by either popularity or top rated.
Udacity's Popular Movies II (For Associate Android Developer Fast Track)
A little Clone and Inspired from Hotstar, A web application to Search Movies, get Trending, Top Rated and Popular Movies in One Place
Explore various Spark RDD / Dataframe operations using PySpark library.
CINEZONEPLUS is a modern web app that lets you search for movies, TV shows, and people by title and explore their details like release date, overview, genres, and ratings. You can watch trailers and discover popular, top-rated, upcoming, and now playing titles all in one place.
Udacity Android NanoDegree Project #1: Popular Movies
Simple movie listing Android app allowing users to discover movies. This is a continuation of PopularMoviesStage1 project and it is also a Project 2 of Udacity's Android Developer Nanodegree.
A Fallout 4 Project that aims to bring a wide variety of Radio Stations into the Commonwealth from popular Movies & Games
Popular Movies Application for Udacity Nanodegree android developer course
An Android App for movie enthusiasts.
Practice Android Components (Room, LiveData, ModelView) / RecyclerView / fetching data from API / AsyncTask.
Flickpeek is a movie exploration web application that allows users to discover and explore various movies based on different criteria such as nowplaying trending, popular all time, movies of a specific genre, top-rated, and upcoming movies. Users can also search for movie details by movie name.
Site que consome a API do TMDB e mostra os 20 filmes mais populares do dia.