There are 2 repositories under polyfills topic.
List of Programs related to data structures and algorithms
A set of Babel plugins that enable injecting different polyfills with different strategies in your compiled code.
MDN polyfills - from, forEach, filter, find, findIndex, assign, includes, create, entries, of, repeat, startsWith, endsWith, toggleAttribute, bind, MouseEvent, CustomEvent, padEnd, padStart
Never worry about polyfills again.
AXA CH UI component library. Please share, comment, create issues and work with us!
Collection of experimental Elysia.js polyfills
This repo contains the javascript polyfills which are generally asked in frontend interviews.
A trivial but working polyfill for PHP 7.3 is_countable function. Supports PHP versions >= 5.3
Experimental cross-platform React Native interoperability APIs, component wrappers and polyfills.
A performance-optimized script for balancing text in browser.
Automatically injects polyfills for old Chromium into webpages
Collection of polyfills that are commonly asked during frontend interviews ✨
A realistic future development for the core language of Dyalog APL
🔨 Use FilePond on Older Browsers
Replicating using Cloudflare Worker
Javascript polyfills as a service. Java implementation.
Hi, This is JavaScript Interview question series where I learnt about JS Questions. This series created by @Piyush Agarwal.
🎯An ultra light-weight, nonexhaustive, polyfills library 🎯
:gift: ES6 Map, Set, WeakMap and WeakSet polyfill in pure ES5
✍️ Default code style for Wavevision apps
🛠️A curated list of awesome things related to browser polyfills
Working babel-runtime example using parcel-bundler and core-js
PHP: Provides a user-land polyfill for `array_find`, `array_find_key`, `array_any` and `array_all` functions added in PHP 8.4.
JS Essential docs for diving deep into Javascript
A sample project, generated by docker-compose-nodejs-examples
PHP: Provides a user-land polyfill for `mb_trim`, `mb_ltrim`, and `mb_rtrim` functions added in PHP 8.4.
I built and planned this little JavaScript demo application for Browser Support. First of all, I analyzed the market to find which resources I can use to find out which feature is supported by which browser and which market share that feature has. Then, I used different techniques: feature detection with fallback code, manual polyfills and Babel.