There are 0 repository under babel-preset-env topic.
Simple and smooth Back To Top button
🥞 minimal Rollup + PostCSS modern syntax starter template
Find dependencies to transpile with Babel.
Google / Google Workspace Browserslist Shared Config
hey guy's this is a sample repository where you can learn how to create your own react app using webpack 5 as compiler and necessary packages. Give start to this if you learnt something new here. ❣️
`babel` CLI replacement with multiple node version support by babel-preset-env
Figures out the lowest version of Node.js that satisfies engines.node in package.json.
@babel/preset-env example
babel7 学习 demo babel learn demo
To-Do App in React.js using Parcel, Babel and Bulma
webpack 5 - SWC - ESLint - Prettier - PostCSS - stylelint - ES Modules
A very common and very small app to learn basic fundamentals of react.
Template para proyectos sin VueJS
👁 What you will do next ? Let the computer decide ! Babel 7.5.5 , React 16.9.0 , WebPack 4.39.1 , SCSS 6.0.0
RxJs 6 getting started boilerplate with webpack 4
RESTful API with Node.js, PostgreSQL and Sequelize
Modular Project using webpack, babel, json-server and Axios
Rollup starter project with Rollup.JS, Jest and ESLint
A Webpack plugin to transpile async module output using Babel. Allows transpiling top level await to ES5.
Webpack app Starter Application⚡
An initial package for ReactJS.
I built and planned this little JavaScript demo application for Browser Support. First of all, I analyzed the market to find which resources I can use to find out which feature is supported by which browser and which market share that feature has. Then, I used different techniques: feature detection with fallback code, manual polyfills and Babel.
Advanced React Boilerplate with database, Auth and testing setup.
Custom project configuration template for DnR
Personal setup for React
🚀 Create a React App without using the CLI with Live Hot Reload
Example of virtual dom reverse engineered(*** in progress ***)
This is an online website that features free games to play on a desktop PC.
React Boilerplate or Starter
Example of Node.js Server with babel 7
simple webpack configuration