There are 1 repository under poetry-generation topic.
Poetry-related datasets developed by THUAIPoet (Jiuge) group.
Codes for Stylistic Chinese Poetry Generation via Unsupervised Style Disentanglement (EMNLP 2018)
A paper list of automatic poetry generation, analysis, translation, etc.
Mimix: A Text Generation Tool and Pretrained Chinese Models
The source codes of Working Memory model for Chinese poetry generation (IJCAI 2018).
Recurrent Neural Network kullanımı ile farklı yazılı sanat alanlarında doğal dil üretimi gerçekleştiren bir çalışma.
Text-to-phoneme converter in French and poetry generator with neural networks
The source codes of GRU model for Chinese poetry generation (CCL 2017).
Generating Urdu poetry using SpaCy in Python. Poetry has been generated by using Uni-grams, Bi-grams, Tri-grams and through Bidirectional Bigram Model and Backward Bigram model.
closed system bounded creativity generator AKA word mashing
This project allows users to read famous poetry from various writers.
SYSU project, From RNN to GRU and LSTM: A Study on the Performance of Poem Generation Models Integrating Bidirectional and Attention Techniques
Helps to order the 7 or less words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.
Allows to estimate (somewhat to say, evaluate) the rhythmicity metrices for the text (usually, the Ukrainian poetic one, but it can be extrapolated to other ones). Inspired by the ancient Greek and Latin poetry.
A generalization of the functionality of the uniqueness-periods-vector package. Is intended to use more Data.Vector functionality.
Generalization of the dobutokO-poetry-general package functionality. Can be used to rearrange 7 sublists in the list to obtain somewhat more suitable list for some purposes.
sequence to sequence model for generating second hemistich of poetry.
An experiment in using programming to help me write more poems more often.
A web app which can generate poetry for user uploaded images, themed with characters.
generating rhyming couplets from Gutenberg novels with NLP
Helps to order the 7 or less Ukrainian words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.
Helps to order the 7 or less words (or their concatenations) to obtain somewhat suitable for poetry or music text. Can be also used as a research instrument with generalized functions.
A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-examples functionality. Is intended to use more functionality of the Data.Vector, Data.Foldable, Data.Monoid and Data.SubG modules.
Some common shared between different packages functions. Among them are the uniqueness-periods-vector series.
A simplified version of the phonetic-languages-functionality. Tries to use only necessary functionality and reduce the other one.
Simplified and somewhat optimized version of the phonetic-languages-examples. Is intended to use more functionality of lists and subG package.
A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package. Is a simplified version of the functionality of the former one. Uses lists as main processment data. Uses Double whenever applicable.
Prepares Ukrainian text to be used as a phonetic language text. Applies needed minimal grammar connections so that the text afterwards can be processed by dobutokO-poetry related programs
Poetry generation in the style of Dante using the Transformer architecture
Source code for the Creative Turing Tests 2018 contest
This repository publishes poetic texts in German generated by character-based recurrent neural network