There are 0 repository under php82 topic.
Simple Linux Panel
🚀 A pure PHP server and client for the tus resumable upload protocol v1.0.0
the only php webshell you need.
Docker with php8.2+, apache, mysql, postgresql, phpmyadmin, redis, nginx and pgadmin
A composer package to make use of the steam web api.
An implementation of the Minecraft: Bedrock Edition protocol in PHP
Fork of with a revamped API and PHP 8.1+ support
Symfony 6 backoffice with Gentella Free Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template
Laravel 10 using PHP 8.2 backend for ecommerce website. Under development.
SATUSEHAT Integration Library - easy way to create FHIR R4 resource object
Cms básico para entornos con acceso ssh y pleno control del server (ej. VPS ), incluye reservas (payunpile) y enlaces (incalinks)
DotKernel Admin Application, built on top of Mezzio microframework and using Laminas components.
PHP library containing classes and methods for conveniently handling binary strings
This is the US hardened version of PHP-Nuke Titanium and is secure and safe. Built on PHP v8.2.5 - Forums - Blogs - Projects - Advanced Site Map - Web Links - Groups - Advanced Theme Support - Downloads - Advertising - Network Advertising - Link Back System - FAQ - Bookmark Vault - Loan Amortization - Image Hosting
High-performance `ByteBuffer` implementation for PHP, planned for use in a future version of PocketMine-MP
Self-hosted Slack integration with ChatGPT deployed using serverless.
docker-compose php56/php72/php74/php80/php81/php82/php83/php84/mysql/nginx/redis/swoole/mongodb
A minimalistic templating engine for PHP
Facade generator for Laravel
[Pet project] Интернет-магазин
Boilerplate for a Laravel 10 backend
A simple nested model relations for CodeIgniter 4 framework
O Sistema de Ponto de Venda (PDV) é uma solução completa para gestão de vendas e operações comerciais. Ele oferece uma ampla gama de recursos para facilitar o gerenciamento de vendas, clientes, produtos, fornecedores e relatórios. Abaixo estão os principais aspectos e funcionalidades do sistema:
The new way of routing for the Laravel framework
🌈 A library that provides common features for the PocketMine-MP plugin.
PHP bindings for libdeflate, a zlib replacement with significantly better performance.
PHP images based on the official versions with additional helper scripts
Extension for PHP to interface efficiently with a Controller Area Network (CAN bus) 2.0A / 2.0B
Alpine Linux, php, php-fpm, nginx, git, composer for Docker
Symfony bundle integration of the skrepr/teams-connector library.