There are 0 repository under paging-3 topic.
The TMDB Movie App is an Android app built using modern tech like Jetpack Compose, TMDB API, Retrofit, and MVVM. It allows users to explore movie categories, view detailed information, and manage wishlists. The app uses Paging 3 for smooth data loading and Room Database for wishlist management, ensuring a fast, seamless experience
Explore the Android Paging 3 Demo, where we tame large data sets for a smoother app experience. Learn how Paging 3's magic streamlines loading, Hilt simplifies dependency injection, Coroutines handle delays, and Retrofit connects with servers. Boost your app's speed and usability today!
Islamic Dictionary With Google SpreadSheet As Database Sever, Paging 3, Hilt
I've created an Android app that will display images from the Unsplash API. To create this application I used libraries and frameworks: Jetpack Compose, Material 3, Paging 3, Coil, Dagger Hilt, Compose Navigation, Retrofit and Room.
This is a sample Android app featuring characters from the Rick and Morty TV show. Written in Kotlin, using MVVM, data binding, navigation component and LiveData.
Firestore application design with Jetpack component architecture and seasoning of MVVM design patterns