There are 5 repositories under jetpack-compose-tutorial topic.
🚀🧨📝 Series of Tutorials to learn about Jetpack Compose with subjects Material Widgets, Layout, SubcomposeLayout, custom layouts, State, custom rememberable, recomposition, LaunchedEffect, side-effects, Gesture, Animation, Navigation, Canvas, UIs like whatsapp and others.
Android - Highlight different features of the app using Jetpack Compose
Slack android clone with Jetpack Compose!
Aim of this repository is to design single screen page UIS with Jetpack Compose (more focus on the complex ui's).
Sample Android Clean Architecture on App focused on written in Kotlin, following best practices using Jetpack with Compose.
Jetpack Compose UI components examples
Android - A jetpack compose list view that is backed by our all time favourite RecyclerView.
Ejemplo de App Android con Kotlin, Jetpack Compose, Retrofit y consumo de la API REST de Pokémon
SSComposeShowCaseView is a customizable show case view library in Jetpack compose which allows to showcase/highlight the particular features of the application with an engaging overlay. It also provides automatic showcase view feature with customised delay and opacity attributes. 🎉💥
This repository is useful for learning basic to intermediate levels of Jetpack compose. Jetpack Compose (JC) is a modern UI development toolkit. It serves as a beginner-friendly project, providing an introduction to Jetpack Compose for newcomers and going up to the Intermediate level.
Tools & tips to learn about recomposition in Jetpack Compose
This is a sample project which demonstrates how to create infinite lists 📋📋 with Paging 3 library in Jetpack Compose using modern Android Architecture Components(Kotlin, MVVM, Flow, Jetpack Compose, Paging 3 Library, Android Jetpack).
Introducing a sleek and modern curved progress bar built with Jetpack Compose. This animatable display of speed is perfect for adding dynamic and visually appealing animations to any Android app. Customizable colors and optimized performance make it a great addition to any project.
Android - Country code bottomsheet picker in Jetpack Compose
A library provides a way to track impressions of items in a lazy list with Jetpack Compose.
Material Components Jetpack Compose offers an implementation of Material Design, a comprehensive design system for creating digital interfaces. Material Components such as buttons, cards, and switches, and layouts like Scaffold are available as composable functions.
GmailCompose is an Android application 📱 for showcasing Jetpack Compose for building declarative UI in Android.
This is a free Jetpack Compose Course. This repo contains Jetpack Compose Tutorials. Sharing my learnings about Jetpack Compose here so that they can help others.
Music player made with Jetpack Compose
Working on Android In-App Subscription for Google Play billing library with the latest version 6.0.0+ in Compose
The TMDB Movie App is an Android app built using modern tech like Jetpack Compose, TMDB API, Retrofit, and MVVM. It allows users to explore movie categories, view detailed information, and manage wishlists. The app uses Paging 3 for smooth data loading and Room Database for wishlist management, ensuring a fast, seamless experience
A collection of the Jetpack UI elements, layouts and demo screens shown in the "Jetpack Compose: Towards New Horizons!" talk, to see its potential
A sample app showing the use of MaterialYou's dynamic colors using Jetpack-Compose
Foodify UI with Jetpack Compose
IMDb Movie application with Jetpack Compose
To-Do App with Jetpack Compose
ExoPlayer in Jetpack compose This project combines modern Android development practices by using using Media3 ExoPlayer with Jetpack Compose to create an interactive and visually appealing video player application .
The Navigation component provides support for Jetpack Compose applications. You can navigate between composables while taking advantage of the Navigation component's infrastructure and features. Basic concept about navigation in Jetpack compose.
✨🌙 Sailor Moon App using Jetpack Compose
A dog adoption app made with jetpack compose for #AndroidDevChallange
Jetpack Compose example code and Component wise collection
Small write ups on everything Compose - for anyone like me, looking to develop apps using Jetpack Compose
Sample repo for the "Animating LazyList items in Jetpack Compose" article
A collection of android projects to learn and practice from google codelab
Jetpack Compose Wanandroid