There are 0 repository under overloading topic.
D(HE)ater is a proof of concept implementation of the D(HE)at attack (CVE-2002-20001) through which denial-of-service can be performed by enforcing the Diffie-Hellman key exchange. (read-only clone of the original GitLab project)
Multiple Dispatch in Rust
"Always choose a lazy person to get the job done. A lazy person will always find the easy way out."
full-featured pattern-matching in python, however it's more likely to be dynamic contracts.
Object Oriented Programming with C++ /created by Muzaffer Arda Uslu
Pipeline and Compose with TypeScript definition
Scope is a small module that provides two macros to facilitate function overload and local import/aliases execution.
Python library for building embedded languages within Python that have alternative operational semantics and abstract interpretations.
"Yazılım Geliştirici Yetiştirme Kampı" ders ve ödev kodları/notları ( - Eğitmen: Engin Demiroğ)
This is a Full Project contains Almost the java programming language concepts
pipe, pipeline, and compose functions with 64 overloads per function.
Overload `params` array parameter with tuples avoiding heap allocations.
Swift문법이 정리된 저장소입니다.
This repo contains the general concepts , code snippets , topic-wise problems & solutions of Java OOP .Topics covered - Access Modifiers , Classes & objects , Exception Handling , Inheritance , Interfaces , File Handling , Overloading & Over riding ,Serialization.
This repo contains various C++ topics like constructors and destructors, data structures, dynamic memory allocation, exception handling, friend functions, functions, inheritance, loops, new and delete operations, polymorphism, practice code, recursion, structures, and templates.
This repository is divided into branches as per experiment and contains practical code or cpp programs which have performed during lab sessions of Object Oriented Programming with C++ at DSTC ,GTU .
Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Standard Template Library (STL) C++ programs. STL programs cover concepts of Linked Lists (Singly, Doubly), Vectors, Sets and, Templates. And the OOP programs cover Classes, Objects, Overloading, and Exception.
Simple js library allowing for adhoc polymorphism with javascript functions
This repository contains programs in the C++ programming language related to Object Oriented programming.
Contains All Basic-Advance Programs Related To Java
Demo used in my SymfonyCon 2019 talk. Using autoloader overloading to achieve some kind of pseudo/PHP source code encryption.
UCLA CS32 Projects: a dive into object oriented developement (overloading, inheritence, polymorphism), data structures (stacks, queues, lists, trees, etc.), and algorithms (searching, sorting, complexity).
all my c++ study tasks and course project "Financial Managment System"
Various scripts related to NYU Tandon Bridge topics (mostly OOP)
A functional composition framework built for TypesScript that provides type safety without the need for the usual countless overloads, thanks to some functional type trickery.
This repo is the code for the 2024 IEEE PES GM paper. It proposes a novel topology embedding method for handling topology problem in power system.
Object-Oriented Programing
Discover object-oriented programming (OOP) concepts in this GitHub repository. Explore classes, inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation. Learn how to design and implement robust and reusable code using OOP principles. Perfect for beginners and experienced programmers looking to enhance their understanding of OOP.
It is a Repository for Basic C++ Programs for Placements