jacintogomez / Tandon_Bridge_Resources

Various scripts related to NYU Tandon Bridge topics (mostly OOP)

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Tandon Bridge Resources

BSTTemplate.cpp: Template file for a Binary Search Tree with add/delete and print functions.

LLTemplate.cpp: Template file for a Linked List with add/remove and print functions.

LLnoTemplate.cpp: Same as previous Linked List but without templating the classes.

SmartPointers.cpp: Unique, shared, and weak smart pointer examples.

marriage.cpp : Demonstration of objects with pointers to each other.

overloading.cpp: Demonstration of operator overloading ==, +=, -, <<, >>, [], ++(pre/post).

LLandBSTtraversal.cpp: Comparison between contents of a BST and LL with a recursive function that goes through both simultaneously.

polymorphism.cpp: Dynamic binding of function in an Animal class and child classes.

BaseDerived.cpp: Shows another type of polymorphism called slicing where a derived class loses its functions when declared as a base object.

BaseDerivedPointers.cpp: Shows how slicing does NOT happen when we replicate the situation above with pointers to objects instead of just objects.

encapsulation.cpp: Example of a bank account with credit card and debit card classes accessing its protected members.

HugeInt.cpp: Shows file reading and writing by taking in a huge int (much larger than C++ can handle) and storing it in a Linked List for addition with another.

TypeDef.cpp: Using typedef in replacement of long declarations (instead of vector<vector<vector>>).

TypeDefFunctions.cpp: Using typedef to insert functions into a vector and iterate through them like elements.