There are 1 repository under osv topic.
A free and open vulnerabilities database and the packages they impact. And the tools to aggregate and correlate these vulnerabilities. Sponsored by NLnet for Chat at Docs at
☠️ Ground-truth dataset for vulnerability prediction (known research datasets and data sources included such as NVD, CVE Details and OSV); tools to automatically update the data are provided.
Turn an Erlang/OTP application into a Unikernel image
Parse and compare all the package versions and all the ranges. From debian, npm, pypi, ruby and more. Process all the version range specs and expressions. This project is sponsored by an NLnet project , the Google Summer of Code, nexB and others generous sponsors!
Artifacts, including experiments and graphs, for the paper: "Unikraft: Fast, Specialized Unikernels the Easy Way" (EuroSys'21 - Best Paper Award).
Capstan, a tool for packaging and running your application on OSv.
A collection of packages for using GitHub security advisories in Node.js.
Simple Node.js Microservice application use to demonstrate the use of OSv and Capstan
A .NET library for Open Source Vulnerabilities (OSV) schema and API client.
A Spring Boot application configured to run on OSv.
Build a local copy of Open Source Vulnerabilities; OSV. Server mode for easy querying.
HTML5 command line terminal for OSv
This repo follows the newest osv changes and then do experiments in sub branches.
A RESTful API, packaged as an OSv unikernel virtual appliance, that allows one to play chess against an AI opponent using Java Open Chess Engine.
The Unikernel Compilation and Deployment Platform
Debian ELTS Security Advisories in OSV Format. Unofficial - not affiliated with Freexian.
Implementation of functionalities in osv, cloud OS
OSv-enabled applications for MIKELANGELO use cases
Tools, libraries and protocol buffer definitions to work with the Open Source Vulnerabilities format (OSV).
Publish VMWare Photon Advisories in OSV format, automatically synced. Unofficial - not affiliated with VMWare
Multiservice Networks implementation for OSv
mitigating OSV problems in android hybrid postmessage
Elevating Signature Verification through Detail-Semantic Integration
A bunch of benchmarks for memory allocation in OSv
esp32 code for a 8x32 ws2812 matrix to display the time provided by omega gemini protocol