There are 0 repository under optionals topic.
Solves the TypeScript filtering of undefined and null issue, amongst others:
An Implementation of the Optional Object for Python
This is a guide of java 8 APIs, plugins, libraries to keep java up to date with latest language features for Android platform
A connect-n game coded in Java 10 with frequent use of streams and optionals
A simple solution to decrease build time and more cleaner codebase
This accompanies the pro Treehouse Workshop Optional Tips and Tricks
NullReferenceExceptions are the root of all evil. Slay them for good with SpicyTaco.Maybe.
A simple C#/.NET library containing various option types
It shows top iOS apps from app store. One can filter the list of apps using app name or category
For foreign language learners, it’s hard to remember new words, which is exactly what flashcards are for. Typically, flashcards show a hint (a task or a picture) on one side and the right answer on the other. Flashcards can be used to remember any sort of data, so if you want to create something useful and enhance your programming skills, this project is just right.
Some advantages of functional programming are: free code debug, efficient parallel programming, supported nested functions, lazy evaluation and so on.
Functional Programming with Java Streams API
Advance Swift
Repositorio sobre Java avanzando en el cual se aplican los siguientes temas: Concurrencia, Streams y Expresiones Lambda, Concurrencia con Stream, Variables Atómicas, Patrón de diseño Builder, Optional, Filters, etc...
Java introduced a new class Optional in jdk8. It is a public final class and used to deal with NullPointerException in Java application. You must import java.util package to use this class. It provides methods which are used to check the presence of value for particular variable.
Checkpoints from 100 Days of SwiftUI
iOS app to prepare boiled eggs. It gives an alarm when the cooking time is over. Choose between soft, medium or hard.
Repositório com o projeto modelo para resolução e entrega final do módulo de técnicas de programação da Let's Code.
The purpose of this project was to apply all the concepts learned in the BMI Calculator app in order to create my own tip calculator app. This is a project from Angela Yu's iOS 13 & Swift 5 course.
Explicações e conceitos em Java do Bootcamp Back-end Developer Carrefour da Digital Innovation One. Neste caso o curso de Implementando Collections e Streams com Java, um dos 25 cursos do bootcamp.
The aim of this project is to show case the differences between Imperative and declarative approach of coding. Another focus is on different functions available in the Stream API as well as some pros and cons of some of these approaches.--
Tired of battling NullPointerExceptions in your Java code? It's time to harness the power of Java's Optional class.
This assignment will analyze sales data for the sales of Tesla vehicles between 2016 and 2019. The program will read the data from 3 different CSV files and store that information for analysis and reporting. It will then use Java Streams to output the following information onto the console for each model.