There are 0 repository under oop-in-javascript topic.
🚀 Save my Chatbot: Download your Claude, Perplexity, Phind, ChatGPT and MaxAI-Google threads and pages into markdown files (unofficial). ⏩ Now available in the Chrome Web Store and the Firefox Add-ons Store!
TypeScript version of Chattitude
Object Oriented Programming Concepts Notes
IRONHACK module #1 project
ComfortableJS is a JavaScript library that provides utilities for common programming tasks, that make coding in JavaScript easier and cleaner. ComfortableJS uses Object-oriented programming (OOP) approach to build its libraries: Unlike other similar libraries that use the functional programming approach, for example, the popular Lodash library.
Api for developer blog and personal website
A Snake version with an artificial intelligence. Game written in pure JavaScript and object oriented.
A front-end project that reproduce and simulate TikTok platform.
Ce répertoire regorge un ensemble de codes qui va vous permettre de mieux comprendre la programmation orientée objet avec Javascript
A comprehensive guide to JavaScript, covering essential concepts, advanced topics, and problem-solving techniques. This repository includes in-depth resources for functional programming, object-oriented programming (OOP), data structures, algorithms, and numerous solved LeetCode problems.
A simple schema-based IoC container for Typescript.
JavaScript Code
OOP base project Transport management system. Using C# with window fomr
javaScript course for bignners to advance level .
Curso Web Full Stack da Let's Code - 01/2022 a 07/2022
📢🏅 Vocabulary Learning Site using Speech Synthesis. 3rd year IT studies project.
Browser game made using OOP approach, units movement logic was built from scratch and there is an implemented ability to drag and drop them.
This Trivia App will generate some questions about a bunch of random topic from Open Trivia DB. You can submit your answer and get the result!
🌐 Exploring TypeScript and Advanced OOP | Fullstack Developer Bootcamp Homework 🚀
WEB Drawing in HTML5
💫 CCOBJPGL-PY - Object-Oriented Programming in JavaScript
Esse repositório foi feito para conter todos os exercícios feitos por mim ao longo do curso de desenvolvimento web na Trybe.
Neste projeto apliquei os princípios da arquitetura SOLID e os princípios de POO em uma estrutura de jogos de interpretação de papéis, mais conhecidos como jogos RPG (Role Playing Game).
🚀 Dive into Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with JavaScript! Learn about classes, objects, inheritance, encapsulation, and polymorphism. Elevate your coding skills and contribute to the JavaScript community! 💻✨
A mini ordering service app between senders and drivers
This is a portfolio of my work built using React . The react-app shows my projects, details about myself and ways recruiters can contact me, including EmailJS. Includes features of dark mode/light mode and 'glowing' pointer cursor to navigate the page.
Simple wrapper for Bolt IoT API -
This is a to-do list website that allows visitors to browse, add, modify, and remove tasks from a list, as well as check a task as finished and clear all completed tasks. I utilized JavaScript with OOP and modules in this project, as well as Jest to test its functionality and Webpack to bundle it and handle dependencies.
My homework solutions on SkillFactory course
Map your workouts on a real responsive map
Exercicio Frontend Desenvolvido pelo Curso da EBAC Utilizando o JavaScript para Programação Orientada a Objeto
Modulos Frontend Desenvolvido em aula pelo Curso de Desenvolvedor Full Stack Java pela EBAC
Day 6 task involves topics related to Classes and creating instances of the classes
This list covers essential JavaScript topics, including design patterns, memory management, event loops, concurrency, functional programming, async/await, recursion, and advanced algorithms. Enhance your skills with real-world challenges and expert insights! 🚀