Alexandrbig1 / goit-typescript-hw-03

🌐 Exploring TypeScript and Advanced OOP | Fullstack Developer Bootcamp Homework πŸš€

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Fullstack Developer Bootcamp @GoIT - Alt text Module


This repository contains my third homework from the Fullstack Developer Bootcamp, where I am focused on mastering TypeScript and exploring advanced Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts. As a part of my homework assignments, I am exploring the fundamentals of TypeScript to enhance my skills in building robust and scalable web applications.

Learning Objectives

  1. TypeScript Mastery
    • Classes and Interfaces: Understanding and implementing classes and interfaces to create well-structured and reusable code.
    • Inheritance and Polymorphism: Extending classes and utilizing polymorphism to promote code reusability and maintainability.
    • UML (Unified Modeling Language): Applying UML concepts to design and visualize the architecture of TypeScript projects.
  2. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
    • Abstraction and Encapsulation: Leveraging abstraction to hide complex implementation details and encapsulating related functionalities within classes.
    • Inheritance and Composition: Effectively using inheritance to promote code reuse and employing composition for flexible component composition.
  3. Project Architecture
    • Directory Structure: Organizing the project with a clear directory structure to enhance code navigation and maintainability.
    • Abstract Classes and Interfaces: Utilizing abstract classes and interfaces to define blueprints for related classes, fostering a modular and scalable architecture.
  4. GitHub Collaboration
    • Version Control: Applying Git for version control to track changes, collaborate with others, and manage the project's development lifecycle.
    • Collaboration Tools: Utilizing GitHub for effective collaboration, code reviews, and project management.

Repository Structure

  • src/: Contains the TypeScript source code for various assignments, demonstrating the application of OOP principles and TypeScript features.
  • [Other directories and files]: Includes additional directories and files related to specific projects or exercises, showcasing practical implementations of learned concepts.

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