There are 6 repositories under oj topic.
High Performance JSON Serialization for ActiveRecord & Ruby Objects
:sparkles: Open source online judge system (based on Microservice). SDUOJ 开源在线评测系统(基于微服务架构)。开源社区QQ群 808751832。示例网站
在线练习系统 ==> 后端:基于Gin、Redis、Gorm实现 前端:基于Vue、Element实现
The answers for for you in different languages.
Holding contests using problems from other OJs!!
⚡️ Faster JSON serialization for Ruby on Rails. Easily migrate away from Active Model Serializers.
Virtual Online Judge(VOJ)是基于微服务架构的高性能在线评测系统。拥有本地判题服务,同时支持其它知名 OJ (HDU、POJ...) 的远程判题。采用现阶段流行技术实现,采用 Docker 容器化部署。
✅ Generate TypeScript interfaces from your JSON serializers
A lightweight, high-performance, universal program judger supporting multiple languages, special judge and SQL judge.
A simple program executor —— 简单到用命令行就能跑起来的代码评测工具
基于 java21 + maven3.9 + junit5 + jacoco 的 leetcode + codeforces + atcoder + nowcoder 练习仓库。
A LXC Based Online Judge Engine, by @wxh06 at @piterator-org
Online Judge System for Shijiazhuang No.2 Middle School, based on Universal Online Judge.
我在OJ上所做的数据结构和算法题目集及相应的解答。现在大概有400+题目, 主要包括Leetcode、HiHoCoder、NowCoder、CCF CSP认证考试和其他OJ,其中Leetcode上做题数量最多,分类齐全,总结也更多一些。