There are 4 repositories under ofx topic.
Tool to convert proprietary bank statement to OFX format, suitable for importing to GnuCash or other personal finance applications.
An accounting web application to track personal finances written in Go and React/Bootstrap
Responsive Flask/SQLAlchemy personal finance app, specifically for biweekly budgeting.
:money_with_wings: :moneybag: OFX (Open Financial Exchange) file formats library in Pascal/Object Pascal for Delphi and Lazarus
A small app to programmatically mainpulate Barclays online banking
A JavaScript framework for downloading bank statements in OFX, QIF, CSV, and JSON. Currently supports HSBC UK Personal Banking.
ofx addons that wraps for OF
Download Itaú exportable files using node and Puppeteer. OFX, OFC and TXT(CSV)
MoneyMoney Extension to export a OFX file that is optimized to work for YNAB import
Extensão do Chrome que adiciona um botão para exportação do extrato do cartão de credito do Nubank em OFX
A bank account statement analyzer
A module written in TypeScript that provides a utility to extract data from an OFX file in Node.js and Browser
Advanced Internationalized OpenFX Text Generator
A friendly REST service wrapper for OFX bank servers.
ofmUI is a lightweight mobile UI library specifically crafted for the openFrameworks mobile framework.
Gestion des finances personnelles assistée par ordinateur. (version initiale)
A python script to convert Dutch Rabobank CSV files to OFX files for processing in GnuCash.
Import transactions directly from banks into Ledger and automatically classify them
Example project, rust wasm yew webworker, do transformations to a OFX SGML file
A .NET OFX (Open Financial Exchange) parser.
💶 Convert N26 CSV to OFX for YNAB
node.js app to automate Barclays online banking login and transaction downloads
This library is a port from the original OFXParser to .NET Standard. OFXParser is a library to parse OFX Files into plain C# objects, with some small changed done to handle OFX Files used by Brazilian banks, that don't strict follow the OFX pattern.
Line integral convolution effect for OpenFX