There are 67 repositories under bookmarklet topic.
This CSS file intends to warn developers about possible risks and mistakes that exist in HTML code. It can also be used to roughly evaluate a site's quality by simply including it as an external stylesheet.
Performance-Bookmarklet helps to analyze the current page through the Resource Timing API, Navigation Timing API and User-Timing - requests by type, domain, load times, marks and more. Sort of a light live WebPageTest.
A script to effortlessly extract your entire ChatGPT data export from JSON files to nicely-formatted markdown files.
Bookmarks, Snippets and Notes Manager for Developers & Co (website)
SubtlePatterns Bookmarklet
Browser extension to turn a LinkedIn profile page into a JSON Resume export.
A Javascript bookmarklet that can get the answers for Edpuzzle assignments, skip the video, change the video speed, and automatically answer the questions.
Tool to create bookmarklet/ javascript apps to automate the web browser.
A small cross-browser emoji cheatsheet extension :+1:
A collection of useful tools for accessibility testing and debugging in the browser, online and desktop
It's like an operating system in your browser! [LIKE THIS REPO? STAR IT!]
Alfred 3+ workflow to search and use Safari bookmarks, history, reading list and tabs.
Google removed the "View Image" button. This is a bookmarklet that downloads the full-size photo.
:boom: Bookmarklet compiler encloses, encodes, minifies your Javascript file and opens an HTML page with your new bookmarklet for immediate use.
a simple self-hosted bookmarking app that can import bookmarks from delicious and chrome
dragon.js is a bookmarklet that lets you drag any element on a website using a mouse or touchscreen. The goal is to speed up in-browser design critiques and brainstorming new layout ideas.
Interactive Drag & Drop Coloring with Material Design Color palette
A bookmarklet that turns any website into a big yummy wobbly jelly
A script to highlight elements that are mismatched incorrectly to @font-face blocks, which may result in shoddy faux bold or faux italic rendering.
A simple WebDAV client written in JS for use as a bookmarklet, or integration into a web server.
A boorkmarklet for previewing citations and other internal links in PDFs on mouse hover
A self-hosted bookmark database with full-text page content search
bookmarklets is a curated list of, you guessed it, bookmarklets that are useful on the web.
Play Game of Life in your GitHub contributions
A bookmarklet menu/client/hub with bookmarklet hacks, exploits, games, scripts, and proxies. Unblocked, all in one place.