There are 11 repositories under oblivion topic.
Oblivion Desktop - Unofficial Warp Client for Windows/Mac/Linux
An automated Modlist installer for various games.
Warp Scanner + Warp plus endpoints scanner
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Bethesda Archive Browser & Extractor
C++ library for working with the Bethesda archive file format
Mod manager for various PC games.
Elevate the CPU Priority of the Skyrim/Fallout process. Increase FPS and Prevent stutters caused by other processes.
A cross-platform library for manipulating the load order and active status of plugins for the Elder Scrolls and Fallout games.
This is a simple DDS and PNG tool set that converts DDS images to PNG images and vice versa on a large scale. Has options for duplicate detection and sorting.
A DLL that logs crashes for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
Bethesda Softworks Archive compress/decompress
.NET library for working with OMODs.
Tools for packing and converting normal maps for Bethesda's Oblivion PS3 BSA archive format.
A Skyrim / Oblivion Mod Manager for Linux that never touches your original game directory
A Rhythm Game Built For The Repl.It Music Jam 2019
🔀 A set of helpers created for the Steam release of Nehrim: At Fate's Edge in order to make it (almost) independent from Oblivion.
The Elder Scrolls Alchemy client app
Mod for Oblivion that adds a book with various maps to the game
What you need to run the game and any mods that may have the usual requirements. Intended to be used as a base or as the absolute necessities to get the game running with some extras.
OBSE plugin that enables Steam achievements in Nehrim
OBL is a fake impersonation of a real language like C# and Python
A book-reader android application containing all books in the fantasy franchise "The Elder Scrolls"