There are 14 repositories under object-oriented-design topic.
GoF Design Patterns with "Real-World" examples involving Food-Related Businesses and mock dependencies
Curated Collection of all Low level design Questions and implementation asked in major Tech companies , Get yourself prepared for the LLD round and ace the interview.
📚 A Library Management System designed in Java while following the concepts of decoupled layers (entities) and minimal code in interface (GUI).
SOLID Principles - simple and easy explanation
It is a semester project for Object Oriented Programming written in java. (a mini Project 😉 )
An Awesome Repository On Object Oriented Programming In C++ Language. Ideal For Computer Science Undergraduates, This Repository Holds All The Resources Created And Used By Me - Code & Theory For One To Master Object Oriented Programming. Filled With Theory Slides, Number Of Programs, Concept-Clearing Projects And Beautifully Explained, Well Documented Learnings, This Repository Shall Project My Learnings In OOP During College And Help You Master The Same!
💣 An object-oriented clone of the famous Windows game Minesweeper made in Java-Swing Framework following the Model View Controller (MVC) Architecture. Its a stand-alone desktop game which also provides save and load game functionalities.
Three Java projects assigned for the Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming (CMPE 160) course in the Spring 2021 semester.
💠 Essential object oriented design (python, pytest, travisCI)
Collection of all assignments of Software Design and Architecture Specialization on Coursera offered by University of Alberta.
Grokking the Object Oriented Design Interview
Contains documentation & code related to the project done by my team for the Object Oriented Analysis and Design laboratory course of my college.
Solution to problems in "Cracking the Coding Interview" in C++.
Project-based learning on the topic Object-Oriented Design and Analysis also known as Low-Level Design ( LLD )
SOLID Principles - in swift
Solutions to top low level design/object oriented design interview questions on CodeZym.
Simple examples of object oriented design.
Step-wise procedure to translate a problem statement into class diagram
Collection of Design Patterns and Low and High Level Design or Machine Coding Round Questions asked in Major Tech Company.
Object Oriented Design and Analysis term project
CSE Assignments for Semester 6
An all-in-one resource to learn Java
A data structures simulation game built for our 1st-year computer engineering course. It's focused on data structure selection and class design.
📣 tell others about your awesome classes
Converting a problem statement into class diagram.
High level code for popular Object Oriented Design interview questions
An API that helps to schedule meeting between two users and adds the event to both users' google calendar. It requests authorization from host user's google calendar, email and profile information.
GoF design patterns practice in Java
Java | An object-oriented framework for implemeting any 2-player board game such as Tic-Tac-Toe, Othello, Reversi and Checkers. Uses well known design patterns such as Command, Strategy, vistor, and state
A Smart Library Management Application
A web-based platform to manage resources and grants for research projects at universities. Deployed for use at Anna University, India.
Mastering SOLID Principles in Software Design: A Blueprint for Clean and Maintainable Code