There are 0 repository under nodets topic.
Code Kitty API
NodeJS TypeScript projects generator by @marchintosh94
Bandcamp sraper: extracd data from bandcamp website
A documented real time rest API backend for lesson tracking functionality with a robust secure chat and android compatibility with lesson management APIs and certification APIs
A full stack web based application to keep track of tasks with multiple features such as task management and a secure authentication made with a slick and innovative UI integrated with a fast server
This is a Boilerplate project for using Express with Typescript using Typegoose for ORM for MongoDB connection
This project is a basic setup for developing a Node.js application using TypeScript, ts-node, and nodemon for automatic restarts during development.
My personal portfolio.Deployment available!
This is the front-end of the groupal proyect HenryAsk Forum. Language: TypeScript. Technologies: Typegoose, ExpressTS NodeTS. DDBB: MongoDB.
A full stack mobile based application created for lesson tracking functionality with multiple features such as real-time chat , taking exams and certification made with an innovative and slick UI
I have tried to replicate redBus comprises of a wide array of noteworthy bus companies in India offering fast, effortless, and secure booking experiences
WebApp to simplify after-taxes salary calculations. Only applies to salaried employees in Portugal, as of now.
Informative website about football ⚽
Build api for ecommerce shop
This Node.js backend mirrors Twitter's functionality. It offers RESTful APIs for user actions, including registration, tweet posting, and timeline retrieval. Built with JWT authentication and pagination for efficiency, it adheres to DDD principles. Minimal API documentation ensures ease of use.
OTPless backend integration examples for various frameworks
Projeto Cápsula do Tempo - desenvolvido durante o NLW Spacetime da Rocketseat.
Stack front-end do projeto de plataforma de streaming Veritas, uma elaboração em formato de plataforma de ensino, com matérias e aulas das ciências humanas.
Open-source Discord Bot template built for RPG tools.
Assignment Solution in Python using NodeTS for backend for the detection and classification of diabetic retinopathy. This assignment was a part of KGEC's curriculum for ECE.
🏆 Best Social Impact @ NASA SpaceApps Local Award - TerraFarm Backend Website: Built with Express, Node Typescript, Docker, Supabase, and Meteometrics