There are 1 repository under ne topic.
.NET libraries supporting several old and obscure data formats: DIB, MRB, NE, SHG, WinHelp.
Using CNN to detect Malaria with the help of cell images
This repository is dedicated to the task of text classification using the AG-News dataset.
O projeto retrata uma API REST de controle financeiro proposto pelo Challenge Back-End 4 da Arula
Build a stunning portfolio website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Framer-motion. If you want to learn to create this you can follow the tutorial link given in the Read me file.
Minecraft skin Generator using WGAN on Next Js
Network Traffic Proxy System: Python approach to manage packets interfacing with tshark.
Simple E-Commerce Frontend Website In Typescript.
make you travel easy using ai any place in the world
This repository contains all input files and analyses for the article "No effects of fishery collapse on the genetic diversity of the Gulf of California Corvina, Cynoscion othonopterus (Perciformes: Sciaenidae)"
Details of certified courses covered by me. Includes notes and solutions to programming exercises.
There are multiple matches for garage-pro-solution, including a car scanner, a garage flooring company, and a garage solution company: GaragePro car scanner,
It was built for study purposes only. To test out my Skills in TailwindCSS and API Integrations and Also Next.js.
NeEstimator V2.X estimates contemporary effective population size (Ne) using multi-locus diploid genotypes from population samples
NSO Vlan package with Junit 4 unit test used as an example