There are 2 repositories under moderators topic.
Moderator toolbox for reddit extension development.
MASZ is a selfhostable highly sophisticated moderation bot for Discord. Includes a web dashboard and a discord bot.
interActive Application Source Code
A webapp for Repl Talk moderators to aid them in their protection of the Repl Talk forum.
Reddit bot for moderators that assists with sidebar/widget synchronization
With this plugin, moderators can warn players!
Sólo con agregar estos archivos a tu Geometry Dash Private Server tendrás control sobre las cuentas y moderadores de tu server. Absolute control over your GDPS (v0.9)
SMF Mod that allows you to grant moderator privilegies from their profile
WEB application to field journals submission and interventions monitoring from E-Terapias project
Help for twitch mods to add commands for popular bots
:space_invader: A Twitch chat-bot/moderator with a few extra built-in features
A discord bot to manage roles with dynamic memberships (for pingable roles, such as "@Moderators")