There are 2 repositories under modelzoo topic.
Deep Learning and deep reinforcement learning research papers and some codes
AI Model Zoo for STM32 devices
Pytorch model zoo for human, include all kinds of 2D CNN, 3D CNN, and CRNN
Hands on Imagenet training. Unofficial ModelZoo project on Pytorch. MobileNetV3 Top1 75.64🌟 GhostNet1.3x 75.78🌟
Atomated_LP is a simple tool helps you generate persian vehicle number pates in order to train your CNN.
Code for IEEE Internet Computing Journal paper 'OTA-TinyML: Over the Air Deployment of TinyML Models and Execution on IoT Devices'
AI Model Zoo services for STM32 devices
A game where you need to guess whether a tweet comes from a human, or from a neural network language model trained on a category of tweets.
a mindspore implementation of emotion detection model based on ERNIE.
This repository contains Jupyter notebooks that demonstrate how to use Netspresso to prune pre-trained deep learning models from STM32AI Model Zoo and fine-tune them for your specific use case. Learn how to reduce the size of your models without sacrificing accuracy and customize them for your own applications.
Model Zoo for many papers in machine learning/deep learning/computer vision/natural language processing field
I trained a ton of style transfer .mlmodels and categorized them. This is effectivelly a "model zoo".
My Object Detection Project: Sign Language Detection
My Object Detection Project using Custom Objects