There are 0 repository under model-view-viewmodel topic.
The main purpose of the toolkit is to accelerate the creation and development of MVVM applications in Xamarin.Android, Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Forms, Windows 10 UWP, Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), Silverlight, Windows Phone.
A basic sample android application to understand MVVM in a very simple way.
ReMVVM is an application architecture concept, marriage of Unidirectional Data Flow (Redux) with MVVM.
The magic-free Caliburn.Light, a powerful framework designed for building applications across current XAML platforms.
A more natural architectural approach on writing SwiftUI applications
Model-View-ViewModel Infrastructure for VBA/VB6
An Unreal Engine 5 Model-View-ViewModel Plugin with automatic data binding to use in UMG Widget, Actor, and Object Blueprints
MVVM framework is swift library inspired by ViewModel from Android Architecture components.
An elegant and powerful ViewModel-First MVVM framework for Avalonia, inspired by Stylet.
A library for developing React applications using Model-View-ViewModel inspired by .NET
It is a custom client to use the respective software. You will find final console and UI-Application here.
Login Register using jetpack compose
Examples for architectural patterns in iOS
Voice Genie is a sophisticated AI assistant designed to be an intuitive, accessible way for users to explore information and art with minimal effort. With future updates, it aims to become an even more interactive and personalized companion.
Android Movie Application with Model-View-ViewModel
Implement MVVM concepts with DevExpress MVVM Framework.
Simple clean architecture project using Architecture Components like ViewModel, LiveData, Room, Navigation, Paging Library, etc.
It is a todo list app created using SwiftUI user Interface for iOS. It uses firebase firestore, firebase storage and firebase auth for storing notes, saving profile file picture and authenticating users.
Cellular Automaton projects for Multiscale Modeling classes. So far, it includes Elementary CA (1D), Game of Life (2D) and Grain Growth CA (2D).
Model View ViewModel design pattern on the example of Nine Men's Morris game, using different strategies
A sample todo list application to illustrate react-model-view-viewmodel usage.
Android basic of Model-View-ViewModel using Android Architecture Component
C++ utility class allowing subscribing to changes of particular members (properties) of a class (=Observer pattern simplified). Works well with UI properties that can only be updated on the GUI thread. C++ equivalent of Android's LiveData.
Create an android application to save tasks in local database (Room) using mvvm .
Simple News App using Retrofit in MVVM pattern
Github open API using Android Kotin Jetpack Compose
Xamarin Forms. Put in ListView control rows, combobox details.
Aplicación de Lista de Tareas por hacer, agregas tus tareas pendientes, marcas las completadas y las eliminas. Desarrollada con Kotlin usando JetpackCompose y la arquitectura MVVM, se implementó Room para la persistencia de datos, Daggeer Hilt para inyección de dependencias y Clean Architecture
WPF .Net application for managing goals and daily tasks. The program is built on the MVVM principle that provides flexibility for growth and expansion
An online music player (WIP)
A simple media player application for Windows.
Final project of OOP course at HCMUTE
Final project of Windows Programming course at HCMUTE
An Android App about my profile, built with Kotlin.
A console application that allows you to interactively work with key-value pair stores such as 'HashTable [unordered_map]' and 'Red Black Tree [map]'. Allows to make comparison of basic operations between storages.