There are 1 repository under ministry topic.
A Python application that helps install and maintain FaithLife's Logos Bible (Verbum) Software on Linux through Wine.
✝️ Free and Open Source Christian Software Projects
A QGIS plugin for easy importing of Land Information New Zealand data. Also, Statistics NZ, Defence, Landcare and Ministry for the Environment data.
Real time estimation of epidemic Effective Reproduction Number for Luxembourg
A real-time collaboration application for the ministry
Raw scrapings of SIM data from
A Python script that will detect any change of the current CORONA status in the data given in the website of MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE and throws a message into slack
This app is used to track the COVID19 stats and give the realtime updates from Ministry of Health & Family Welfare (India) and WHO's Twitter feed and their website.
Органайзер служения | Ministry organizer
A search engine for all systems and dashboards used in ministry of health
V1 of The Front-End of the Official Website of Uganda Neddagala Ly'ayo.
Christ MercyLand Ministry (formerly Christian Benefits Ministry) Incorporated in Kings County, Brooklyn, New York led by anointed and ordained Prophetess/Minister Ola Sul ___ Project developed by Kareem Adekunle (addykays)
API for fetching COVID 19 India cases data from official source Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
APIs for ingesting COVID 19 data into BQ and also fetching the data from BigQuery.
Yegeta barya habtamu ministry website
Data of the Companies registered, in India, with the Registrar of Companies, appointed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs
Website for Warriors for Christ, a 501(c)(3) martial arts outreach ministry.
Certification's System Information
Ministry Tracker otherwise called Word Life Tracker basically is software management to track your daily ministerial activity with robust features and responsive user interface using MaterialUI Design, Word of Life Tracker helps you to stay focused in the work of the ministry.
Landing page for to introduce web application which is a a JW helper tool.