There are 2 repositories under lualine topic.
A blazing fast and easy to configure neovim statusline plugin written in pure lua.
Customizable coloscheme with dark and light options, vivid colors and easy on the eye.
pywal.nvim is a reimplementation of pywal.vim to support a few lua plugins like nvim-tree, telescope, bufferline, etc
A versatile and easy to use retro tab bar plugin for the WezTerm terminal emulator created with the lualine.nvim configuration format
a colorscheme for {neo,}vim inspired by neon genesis evangelion. supports diagnostics, cmp, fzf, gitsigns, lazy, lsp, lualine, telescope, treesitter, trouble, which-key, & more.
Statusline + Telescope integration for viewing and interacting with GitHub notifications
Small collection of _fancy_ components for the lualine.nvim plugin.
This is a component which makes a status icon for copilot.lua
My Neovim configuration written in Lua
Vim / NeoVim theme that is a marriage of Tokyo Night and Nord Theme. And they went on honeymoon to Kyoto I guess. Dark, elegant, and easy on the eyes.
LSP progress lualine component
📍Add git-prompt-string to your Neovim statusline!
Time and date display extension for lualine.nvim
Lualine theme for using with light background.
tonight.nvim: a dark colour scheme for your viewing pleasure
OurNvim but lazy
Neovim plugin to query "formattable status" by LSP
A green colorscheme for vim/neovim
xkblayout lualine componenet
A simple Neovim plugin providing a lualine component for displaying git status in the status line.
A dark Neovim color scheme (treesitter supported)
My dotfiles
Awesome Neovim configuration for Python, Lua, C++, Markdown, LaTeX, and more... for everyone
Colorscheme for vim / neovim, lightline and lualine.
This repository contains my personal dotfiles for Neovim, Kitty, Zsh, Waybar, Wofi, and Hyprland.
mirror of
Super simple, VSCode-like lualine theme.
A custom Dracula colorscheme for neovim written in Lua
🥰 This is my simple and powerful JavaScript developer setup for nvim. Enjoy it
A proper wal/pywal theme for lualine.nvim