There are 0 repository under live-events topic.
Run your own Events business with Eventmie. Use it as an event ticket selling website or event management platform on your own domain.
Eventmie Pro - PHP Script – Self-hosted multi-organization (multi-vendor) event management Laravel package (PHP script). Launch a dedicated platform for Event selling website on your own domain and streamline the event planning process through automation.
With the Flutter streaming SDK you can build for Android, iOS, Web, and Desktop from a single code base.
A webRTC low latency streaming app capable of delivering 4k streams with just a few lines of JavaScript. The app includes basic functionality such as joining and leaving streams and UI features for stream events such as a stream being live or offline.
Eventmie Lite Docs - Create a dedicated platform for Event Planning with Laravel for Free
Investigates the correlations between a vibrant local music scene and socioeconomic indicators using the Live Music Event Rate (LMER) heuristic. Presented in ISMIR 2022.
Showcase to demo PubNub features across a range of use cases
Monorepo for Waves | Fusing generative art with culture to capture experiences and empower artists.