There are 0 repository under lein topic.
A Leiningen plugin to integrate clojure with jupyter notebook
The source code for some of the orbs published by CircleCI
Clojure library implementation of the Telegram Bot API.
A Leiningen plugin for generating UML diagrams using PlantUML
A runner for doo which runs tests in Chrome, using the Chrome Dev Protocol with no need for karma or npm.
A Leiningen plugin for generating documentation using Asciidoctor
A simple Leininingen plugin to start nREPL 0.4+
Docker container for use with ClojureScript
A Telegram bot to monitor a group chat for keywords.
Leiningen plugin for running 'embedded' MongoDB
A Leiningen plugin to start a web server for the remote debug re-frame applications using re-frisk.
A Leiningen plugin for running CoffeeScript compiler
A Leiningen plugin for running TypeScript compiler
A Leiningen plugin for running javascript code through JSHint
A Leiningen plugin for running javascript code through JSLint
A lein plugin to tidy/refactor source files in a project via refactor-nrepl middleware
Clojure and Leiningen helper for running embedded Zookeeper instances for integration testing.
A Leiningen plugin to start an H2 server in tcp mode.
Leiningen template for libraries with better release cycle.
A sample lein clojure project set up with Nix flakes
Programmatically bump project version in Leiningen
Common utilities that can be used from the REPL.
Lein + Sass docker image
Clojure implementation of a dynamic programming problem about coins in a line game
Clojure Library for parsing bible data
Setup your GitHub Actions workflow with Leiningen
Leiningen plugin for building and releasing Clojure web applications into RedHat OpenShift clouds
MasterMind board game with solver coded in clojure for school (senior year)
A checking account from a bank that allows putting or taking money at any given time.