There are 1 repository under laravel-docker topic.
Laravel Docker Template - Laravel v11.x, PHP v8.3.x, MySQL v8.1.x, phpMyAdmin v5.x, Mailpit v1.x
Laravel API starter kit collection using different structures.
By simply configuring the .env file, a simple and safe Blue-Green Deployment is instantly set up.
🐳 Simplified Docker PHP-FPM image created to run Laravel or any php based application, with extensions for Redis, Memcached, MySQL, Postgres, Events, Redis, Kafka, Laravel Schedule, Cron job and custom default configuration.
Laravel docker configuration for having a cool development experience
Simple docker image for PHP development
Full stack (LEMP) Laravel environment for dev and production use
Monolithic docker container to run your Laravel apps: MariaDB/Redis/Nginx/PHP7.0-Fpm with properly configured cron and queue
:whale: This is a simple Docker Compose workflow that sets up a LEMP network of containers for local development. This also allows customizing the optional PHP version :elephant:
Laravel & Vuejs with Docker
Laravel 8 boilerplate in docker-compose with Treafik and SSL setup and github workflow ready for CI/CD pipeline
Run a PHP Laravel server using Docker with easy instructions
Compose a Laravel Docker image for Production, with support for php7.4, php8.x and Laravel Octane with both swoole and roadrunner
Build a simple laravel development environment with mysql , redis by docker compose
نرمافزاری ساده برای تبدیل تصویر به متن، بهانهای برای یادگیری مقدمات داکر
Simple docker compose for Laravel/Symfony development
Laravel + Docker + Apache vHost development
🐳 This is a Docker-based environment configured for Laravel development.
Docker starter for Laravel applications, utilising docker-compose.
Compose all necessary Docker Containers to run Php7 Apps. Mirror of
🐳 PHP-FPM-Alpine based Docker image for Laravel with extensions for Redis, Memcached, MySQL, Events and custom default configuration.
Basic Laravel setup with Docker - MySQL, PHPMyAdmin, NGINX, Composer, Voyager admin
Build a simple laravel application development environment with docker-compose.
CLI application to helps the use of multiple projects on Laradock.
A Complete Docker Container for Laravel Application (PHP/MYSQL/POSTGRES/NODE/REDIS)
Docker + Laravel + Nginx + PHP 8.1 + MariaDB + Redis + XDebug + Swagger
🐳 Generic docker image for Laravel Applications
Some docker images that can be used to build a Laravel environment in a couple of minutes
🐳 Docker base image for Laravel production applications
My lovable cheat-code and documentation
Simple module repository tool website using Laravel, Docker, Blade, PHP