There are 8 repositories under knexjs topic.
Example project how to use Express and GraphQL. You can find working example with frontend at
Node.js / GraphQL project template pre-configured with TypeScript, PostgreSQL, login flow, transactional emails, unit tests, CI/CD workflow.
NestJS module for Objection
Sample application for ElectronJS working with Sqlite3
kikoeru 后端,不再维护,请到 获取更新
Service adapters for KnexJS a query builder for PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, Oracle and SQLite3
Knexjs module for Nest framework (node.js) 😻
Node.js (🤖) Express.js / PostgreSQL API in TypeScript
100 Days of Code Challenge - Daily contribution
isomorphic, "magical" authorization integration with Objection.js 🎉
Generate TypeScript definitions (types) from a PostgreSQL database schema.
A place to easily experiment with the knex.js syntax and see the generated SQL.
Projeto desenvolvido na Semana Omnistack 11ªed.: Rocketseat
is a little demo api made using fastify
Adds support for dynamically returning connection config for knex queries. Helpful when you want to deal with write/read replicas
GraphQL server sample with Apollo Server, Koa middleware, database reads using Prisma or Knex JS, and/or REST API consumer, token validation, messaging integration with Redis and Nats and many other cool features.
A boilerplate for NestJS with support for database, swagger, config, rate limiting, logging, OpenTelemetry, validation, exception handling, docker, testing and CI.
A simple API system on a pg database, using knex and objection to simplify connection and management
GraphQL Sample Project
BotBlock - The List of Discord Bot Lists and Services
🧘 🚀 Node JS Graphql World using Yoga, Apollo, and Prisma 🚀🎉
Slope Ninja Backend ⛷❄️⛄️
react redux node express todo list boilerplate
Integrating RDS databases' schema migrations in the CI/CD pipeline.
Easy Relay cursor-pagination for Knex queries
Objection module for NestJS
An SSR website using Nuxt3, Vuetify3, Pinia, Tailwind, Knexjs and Joi validation. You can use it as a template to build your own website. Please check out the demo link below. ↓
Fastify + Knex.js - Realworld Example App
Start your NestJS project quickly